
DJ's suck

Real music production has nothing to do with turntables so if you use turntables to make a remix, that does not make you a PRODUCER. It makes you a DJ. Nothing more. This fact should be made obvious by the use of recordings which have obviously been PRODUCED by a real PRODUCER at some point in time prior to your shenanigans. Also, if you use nothing but sample loops and Reason, (fucking pathetic) you are not automatically a producer or even a musician. It is questionable weather or not you are worthy of basic human rights at that point. Really people, stop wasting the precious oxygen the rest of us deserve. This is probably more energy than this topic deserves but it just festers in my brain if I don't let it out.

I feel better now.


SallyStardust said...
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Breads said...

of course djs r muscians they can separate beats, which is extremely difficult to do and it takes alot of practice and they r muscians because they take one tune and another and turn it into somthin different,all separate beats were started from scratch and created by djs.

Marcus said...

You don't know what you're talking about either djing or producing. They are great djs out there who use reason. Check out Claude Vonstroke for exampele

shaunschon said...

As a musician I find the spread of DJs truly appalling and an insult to every talented musician out there. Beethoven and Mozart or Hendrix and Morison must certainly turn in their graves at what music has been reduced to in these past decades. U can program a lot of fukcing things and create a lot of shit with a software and technology, but it takes a real musical instrument and a musician to make real music. DJs are fukcing ruining music, selling ignorant masses shit packaged as music. Digital sounds and beats do not constitute music, nor does changing tempo. You fagots may as well sit at home and create ring tones, they are just as musical, if not more creative.

Marcus said...

To shaunscon, you can't produce a beat has I can't play piano. Fuck off

DeeJay Alex said...

in a sense you are right...I am a Club DJ, but i do not make any claims to the music I play. My job is to keep the dance floor hoppping with the array of music choices i have within my collection. I dont produce, nor do I pretend to. My mission is to play sets that appeal to the crowd, putting together a set that either gets them on the dancefloor, or to the bar, as bar sales are what pays you wage. I do beleive that anyone can dj, but I also do feel it takes some talent in combining sounds and tracks to entertain. But what the real sad thing is, music today is so bland and so un-inspirational. I also think that my job is to introduce the music buying public to music that they may potentially buy. Im not an artist, cause really, I just press play at certain points that keep the sound going.

shaunschon said...

Marcus, you're an ignorant fukc. Firstly what the fukc do you mean by produce a beat? Why would any sane person want to produce a beat? In case you didnt know there's something called drums. As far as I know a turntable and a computer or reason are not musical instruments, they constitute technology or software, and anyone using them is techno savvy that's all, not a musician. And yes I've made some shit to prove a point in the past, and yes any musician can make the shit that a dj does, but I haven't come across too many djs who can make decent music.

Marcus said...

To shaunschon, no offense but it's fuck, not fukc.

There's particular sounds with drum machines and synths that you would never get with an acoustic instrument. Some people enjoy it, I do.

That doesn't mean I don't enjoy acoustic music though. It's just different.

You should check out some producers/djs like Robin Hood or Juan Atkins.

Marcus said...

To shaun again

Another recommendation for support

shaunschon said...

I'm not sure if I was supposed to like that, but thanks.
I find it astounding that most DJs, and fans rather, think DJs to be musicians, and actually believe that music constitutes beats, varying beats! changing tempos, and digitally produced sounds. I've met quite a few DJs and most of them agree that what they do does not constitute music, rather involves manipulating and playing around with music and sounds, to create something marketable, and I guess this in itself has become an art, but that does not mean it's music. It's sound. So if someone tells me they love music and proceeds to say they listen to DJs and remixes and so forth, I'd tell them to shut the fukc up (I intentionally misspell it cause many sites have filters for comments with abuses, and I find having to edit my posts to be quite cumbersome). They're fans of sexed up sounds, not music.

Monish said...

nice coverup shaun. congrats, you're a fucktard.

shaunschon said...

It isn't uncommon for people lacking in intelligence to spew abuses at those making arguments they disagree with... nice going Monish

NIck said...

Digital sounds and so on sound nice, but I only like them when a proper musician is using them in the context of a performance. DJ's don't MAKE music, they think they do, they fake it. Any musician can make a remix, that so easy, most of us are very tech savyy and know a lot about beats, keys, tempo etc.. so yes we would kick those fakers' ASS. But seriously, who enjoys remixing other people music on a computer rather than playing music on an instrument?! Musicians respect cover bands, but don't respect DJs. In the end, DJ's use musicians work to make remix', so go figure you does most of the work. Groups like MGMT are great, because they are real musicians, even though they use electric sounds.

Matt said...

Let's break it down, modern DJ's that program everything into their laptop and just bend pitch and push buttons should not be considered musicians by any means whatsoever. However, a DJ that can actually use TURNTABLES and mix properly is hard to come by these days. Being a DJ use to be respectable because it did take a practiced skill to even be halfway decent and quite a long time to actually become good. Now days you can go download Ableton and make "songs" in about 30 minutes. I think that has been the death of the DJ. I got in a friendly argument with a DJ that used a laptop about talent, later on I put him in front of real turntables and said "okay, show me"...and he couldn't do a thing with them. That's the difference is there is no SKILL involved anymore, it's not a matter of talent...talent your born with a skill is something that can be built, i.e. DJing. DeeJay Alex made a great point, a lot of DJs don't do it for recognition, they do it because it pays and have no intention other than to keep the floor moving. I would never hate on one of these DJs for not trying to run 6 turntables for a club, I will hate on a DJ that charges for tickets to see them but doesn't really do anything.

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