

So somehow the political discussion in this country has become focused on trying to find prominent religious leaders who DON'T say or do anything crazy. Really? Now think about this for a minute. Just the fact that someone would believe in God at all means that their intellectual abilities are in need of some question. To be a leader in this area it's pretty much a prerequisite that you say and do things that are ugly beyond reason at the very least. Jews believe that they are born different and thus better than non Jews, Christians are anti Semitic simply by virtue of identification. Muslims are sanctioned by God to commit violence toward people who don't agree with them (and women). They all think they can talk to God and pick and choose from his words as they see fit. They have the world convinced that if you disagree with their insane, convoluted set of rules dictated to them by an imaginary friend that you must be silenced. These people are all nuts and have no place in contemporary politics. How about everybody just leave this stuff off the table as not to make themselves look any worse than they already do? I mean, it's already clear that John McCain is a stupid, out of touch, GOP tool who has nothing new or valuable to bring to the country. He doesn't need any more help with his image. Those who like those qualities can vote for him and Barack Obama would do well to stay out of the muck.

Hilary Clinton is just a paranoid delusional has-been, that never really was. The only reason we know who she is, is because of her husband. Hooray for women’s lib!

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